2015 ON AIR Equipment Line Up

On Table, in front:

1952 Vintage Meissner 2-CW Novice 6V6 Tube Transmitter (far left)

LectroKit Spider (far right)

On Lower Shelf - Homebrew Ham Radio Station (left to right):

Semi QSK TR Switch / Keyer / Station Controller

35 Watt 160-30 Meter 6146 Tube CW Transmitter

5 Watt 6AQ5 Tube QRP CW Transmitter

Simple 40 Meter DC Receiver with NE602 Mixer, MPF-102 VFO, Low Pass and Variable Audio Filters

I have received a number of inquiries about the Meissner 2-CW - Click the link for some photos.

There is also an Ameco AC-1 in the shack as well. I really enjoy basic homebrew, QRP, and classic novice rigs.

Thanks for stopping by my shack. 73, Jack - WA6KYO


HOMEBREW QRP IS GUD 4 U : George, KC6WDK, has a *fabulous* site! Great basic Homebrew QRP projects. This is my all time favorite Homebrew / QRP website. CHECK IT OUT!

6AG7/6L6 Tube CW transmitter : A classic MOPA built by WB4WHH. There are some great photos of his homebrew gear at his station.