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LED Digital Clocks
Digital Countdown Timers
Large Stopwatch Timers

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CK-3000 LED Large Digital Timer

Easy to Use Large Countdown Clock or Count Up Clock

LED Large Digital Count Up Countdown Timer

Our Model CK-3000 provides reliable, accurate, and easy to read time keeping features. Operation is simple and straight forward, with no menus to mess with. The CK-3000 can be used as a large Countdown Timer to display time remaining, or it can be used as a Count Up Timer to display elapsed time. It can also function as a time of day clock. Whether you're counting time up or counting down, the CK-3000 is the perfect choice for your timekeeping needs!

Very simple and easy to use! The CK-3000 can be used right out of the box within minutes!

Highly readable six digit red LED display shows Hours, Minutes, and Seconds.

Display Size: 2.3 inches- readable up to about 75 feet

Maximum Timing: 99 Hours, 59 Minutes, 59 Seconds. The CK-3000 can be set to any time within this range.

Count Down Timer mode displays time remaining - essential for many applications. An alarm buzzer "beeps" at zero time.

Count Up Timer Mode displays elapsed time, a feature not found on many timers.

A wired and ultra reliable Remote Control is included. It features buttons for setting Hours, Minutes, and Seconds time set, Stop-Start, Timer Reset, and Timer Clear. Easy to use!

No menus to fuss with - it's a total "no brainer" to use! The CK-3000 is well designed for simplicity and ease of use.

U.L. listed 9 VAC wall adapter included.

9 volt battery back up keeps accurate time during power interruptions. Never miss a second!

Value Bonus: It can also function as a digital clock - nice! Or, you can think about it this way - it's an LED large digital clock with a countdown or count up timer. It's very useful.

Audible & Visual Alarms: The timer momentarily beeps and the LED display flashes at the end of a timing cycle. Beep signal can be turned on or off for silent operation.

Durable white plastic case; clear red acrylic and black ABS front panel

Size: 15.0 x 6.0 x 2.0 inches

Weight: Only 2.0 lbs. - Lightweight and Portable!

Desk, shelf, or easily wall mountable.

Ready to use right out of the box!

Designed and Assembled in the USA



We stand by our products with excellent service and pride.

Read the Warranty

The CK-3000 Large Timer is for INDOOR USE ONLY

Wall Mount, Table, or Desk

Flexible Operation! The CK-3000 has a versatile choice of Two Power Input Jacks: One on the back and one at the bottom of the case. The CK-3000 Count Up or Countdown Timer can be mounted on a wall, or simply placed on a table, desk, or shelf.

It's a Timer and a Clock!

When it's not in use as a timer, you can use it as a time of day clock. With a simple press of a button, you can easily switch between timer and clock modes at any time. Very versatile!

ck-3000 is a digital timer with a wired remote control

ATTENTION INDUSTRIAL USERS: We also offer a HEAVY DUTY REMOTE CONTROL for Industrial use. Scroll down for more information!


The CK-3000 Remote Control is included and is very easy to use! Each pushbutton offers a solid "clicky" type feel for excellent tactile feedback. This is not a cheap rubber type keypad remote control. The CK-3000's remote control is ultra reliable and very ruggedly built. It's small and easy to hold in your hand. Size: 2.6 X 2.5 X 1.1 Inches

100% User Friendly with Nothing to Learn - Clearly labeled, simple, and a "no brainer" to use! No complicated menus, no beeps, no squeals. SIMPLE & EASY!

Easy to Use Buttons:

Top Row: Hours, Minutes, and Seconds for setting.

Bottom Row: Clear (clears display to 00:00:00), Reset (resets to the entered time), and Start-Stop


REMOTE CONTROL NOTE: The CK-3000 remote control is equipped with a detachable 7 foot long cable. For longer remote operation, we also offer a 25 foot cable for an additional $6.00. Order Model MK-95 Remote Cable.

CK-3000 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: Click Here to see the one page instruction sheet. Simple to use!

Industrial Digital Timer


Looking for a timer with a Heavy Duty Remote Control?

The CK-340 Industrial Digital Timer is a version of the CK-3000 with an extremely rugged remote control.

We also offer special function PLC Compatible Timers.

Looking for a Count Down Then Up Timer ? VIDEO:

This is functionally equivalent to the CK-3000. Contact us for assistance.



We Proudly Stand By All Our Products!

Your satisfaction is fully guaranteed. You will not find a better value in a Large Display LED Timer. If you do find one, ( but you won't! ), we want to know about it!


CK-1 LED Digital Desk Clock : 0.56 Inch LED display. Hours - Minutes - Seconds, 12 or 24 hour clock.

CK-1000 LED Digital Wall Clock : 2.3 Inch LED display. Hours - Minutes - Seconds, 12 or 24 hour clock.

CK-2 Time Zone Clock : 0.560 Inch dual LED display, six digits.

CK-3 Desk Count Up / Countdown Timer : 0.56 Inch LED Display, Six Digits.

CK-36 Desk Count Up Timer : 0.56 inch LED display - counts Hours, Minutes, and Seconds.

CK-350 Large Digital Count Up Timer : 2.3 Inch LED Display, Six Digits.

CK-4000 Large Stopwatch Timer : 2.3 Inch Display: Minutes, Seconds, & Hundredths of Seconds.

CK-5000 Large Event Countdown Wall Clock : 1.75 inch Display shows DAYS, Hours, Minutes, & Seconds.

CK-6 Digital Day Counter Clock : 0.56 inch Display shows DAYS, Hours, & Minutes.

CK-46 Stopwatch Lab Timer : 0.56 inch LED Display with Minutes, Seconds, & Hundredths of Seconds.

CK-2000 Dual Time Zone Wall Clock : Displays local time and UTC in a compact wall mount display.


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