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LED Digital Timers
Industrial Digital Timer

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Small & Large LED Digital Stopwatch Timers

Explore Seiko, Ultrak, and our Electronics USA LED Industrial Stopwatch Timers. Perfect for Production Timer Applications.

CK-4000 industrial large digital stopwatch

led large industrial stopwatch remote control

CK-4000 LED Large Stopwatch Timer

Displays Minutes-Seconds-Hundredths of Seconds

Large Digit Size: 2.3 Inch LED display

Simple to use two button remote control for start / stop and reset

Works well as an industrial stopwatch and process timer

Time any event with split second precision! The CK-4000 displays minutes, seconds, and hundredths of seconds. This LED display large stopwatch timer is bright and viewable up to about 75 feet. You can find the CK-4000 large digital stopwatch in wide use in industrial factories and tradeshows. The display is very dynamic and attention getting too. See the video to the left. FIVE YEAR WARRANTY

large industrial count up timer

CK-350 Large Count Up Timer

Easy to use and Count Up only - displays Hrs. Mins. Secs.

Large 2.3 inch height LED digits

This is a simple to use digital stopwatch timer that keeps track of elapsed time. It only counts up, with a maximum hour count time display of 99 hours. The CK-350 uses a reliable and very rugged heavy duty two button remote control that is built to last . It's perfect for basic timing tasks in industrial and commercial applications. Operation is simple and uncomplicated, with nothing to learn and no menus to deal with. It's ready to use right out of the box!

CK-46 industrial desk stopwatch timer

CK-46 LED Industrial Desk Stopwatch

Displays Minutes, Seconds, and Hundredths of Seconds

LED Digit Size: 0.56 Inches

This is a nice electronic bench top digital stopwatch timer, with an input port on the back for the optional remote control or external input triggering. Great for industrial process timing applications in factories and labs.

Seiko Stopwatches

Authorized Dealer

Seiko Stopwatch Products

World renown high quality and reliability - professional grade!

Eight outstanding models to choose from

Seiko athletic multi functional stopwatches are well known for their legendary quality and reliability. Electronics USA is proud to be an authorized dealer for these great Seiko timing products! These are in wide use among sports coaches, and industry as well.

Seiko Printing Stopwatch Products

Visit our new page of outstanding Seiko printing stopwatch timers!

Professional Ultrak Stopwatch 

Authorized Dealer for Ultrak and Seiko Stopwatch products!

Ultrak Stopwatch Timers

Excellent for indoor / outdoor event timing applications

Professional grade. High Quality and Low Cost

Five dependable models to choose from

Affordably priced 400 series professional Ultrak digital stopwatch timers are used worldwide and are known for their quality and reliability. We feel these are absolutely the best value on the market today. These are widely used from timing sporting events to industrial applications.

Ultrak pocket timers

Pocket Timers

Several easy to carry portable timers

We offer a nice and complete selection of Ultrak brand small digital timers. These are very handy to have around for timing basic everyday tasks in your home, office, school, factory, or wherever a small timer is needed. They are very simple and intuitive to operate. There's always a need to time something - these pocket timers do a great job!

Ultrak stopwatch timers

Low Cost Ultrak Stopwatches

Basic to Advanced Features

Five low cost timers to choose from

Check out our nice selection of these budget priced 300 series Ultrak digital stopwatch timer products. These have features and capabilities for what you really need during timing events. They're neither flashy or expensive - they just work well! These small handheld timers by Ultrak are very affordably priced, and are perfect for timing sports and special events.

industrial stopwatch ck-36

CK-36 Industrial Stopwatch Timer

Simple two button operation for start-stop and reset

High visibility LED display

This is a high reliability commercial grade count up timer that displays elapsed time only. It counts up in hours, minutes, and seconds, and is not settable. The button switches on the top are very rugged and built to last! The CK-36 is often chosen for use in industrial and health care applications because of its easy of use and great simplicity.

Mechanical Stopwatch

Mechanical Stopwatch by Ultrak

A great classic style analog display!

Easy and fun to use

We specialize in electronic time products, but this is perfect for those who prefer the look, sound, and feel of a traditional mechanical timer.

Coaches Clipboard

Clipboard Calculator with Stopwatch by Ultrak

Great for coaches, factory production personnel, hospitals, etc...

Includes a digital stopwatch timer, calculator, and 12 inch side edge ruler, all integrated nicely as part of the clipboard itself. Good design!

The Ultrak 700 is extremely useful for busy people who have a need to measure, record, calculate, and document timed events. Great for use in factories and industrial plants, hospitals and medical fields, and sporting activities.

large led count up and down stopwatch timer

CK-3000 Count Up / Countdown Stopwatch Timer

Counts up or down in hours, minutes, and seconds

2.3 inch LED display - viewable to about 100 feet

You can find the CK-3000 in use throughout business and industry! It's useful for various timing activities, and can count up to or down from 99 hours. It is so easy to use, you will never need to consult the instruction manual. With no complex display menus to mess with, the CK-3000 is totally intuitive. Switching between count up and countdown stopwatch timer modes is a breeze, and it's very simple to set. The CK-3000 wired remote includes time set buttons, start - stop, reset, and clear to zero controls.

Vintage Electronic Stopwatches

Collectible and cool mini LED display timers!

Ruggedly built, and fully tested in used condition.

Electronics USA has acquired a limited quantity of early handheld electronic stopwatches. We have a few from Cronus and other brands for those who enjoy these unique technology collectibles.

Cronus 1 vintage LED digital stopwatch

Museum of Vintage Digital Stopwatches

Electronics USA has a growing and unique collection of vintage digital stopwatches from the 1970's, an era where great strides were being made to miniaturize electronics. We will add more stopwatches as we acquire and restore them. We are just starting this page, but if you enjoy this kind of historical technology information, please bookmark us for new additions. Enjoy!

We're Here to Answer Your Stopwatch Timer Questions! Telephone: 760-383-1050